
thief's guild



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-15-2019, 11:44 AM
The recent visits from various alphas was making Chaos itchy and restless. He was dissatisfied with how little information he had coming in about the other packs - even Abaven was difficult to pries information out of the Destructions without causing trouble with his family. You'd think since Rhythm was in and out of there all the time she'd have the decency to report to him all the goings-on there, but noooo she had to be loyal to the Destructions still, damn the old woman. That was all right though, because Enrico, full of foresight as the former mafioso was, had set up Niente-that-was for just this eventuality with spies and thieves being given their own guild within Niente's framework. And there was even one hobby that had remained when he'd taken Niente and made it Legion, though he'd been rather scarce since then. Well, time to remedy that and remind the youth that he needed to be useful.

Chaos had made his way on top of his barrow to use the height to survey the land around him, so when he titled his head to howl for Rogdar his voice very conveniently carried much further. It also had the added benefit of being somehow spooky enough to the prey animals that the bison avoided the hilltops, so you could hang out there without worrying about getting trampled by an angry mama buffalo or accidentally stampeding the idiot things.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write