
Hay There



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-15-2019, 04:31 PM
One last meeting to get Legion's guilds running more self-sufficiently without his constant attention - maybe - this time with the healers. He simply didn't know enough about healing to directly supervise them, so he needed them to be self-regulating and manage their own training as far as they could. He could find and trade for healer training from other packs or from loners, but it would be far more difficult for him to judge a competent healer from a charlatan. He needed to be able to trust his healers to be able to handle themselves, because while he could step up and train fighters or hunters in a pinch if no one was ambitious enough to lead either of those guilds, he simply could not be that for the healers.

Well, no time like the present. Stopping at the entrance to the barn, he threw back his head and howled to summon the pack's healers to join him. The weather was less than ideal for any sort of outdoor activity, so he'd commandeered a large-ish falling-down stall in the dry side of the barn to escape from the dreary drizzle of freezing rain. With the layers of decades-old straw and haybales to pad the floor and curl up in, it was actually quite cozy, and after a quick shake to throw the water from his fur far enough away from the pleasant little hay-nest that he didn't get any of it on the hay, his body heat and the close quarters there had him drying out and warming up pretty quickly.

OOC: Mandatory for all healers/healer apprentices with posts due by the end of the day 2/22. Anyone else with a healing skill is also welcome.

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Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write