
blackbird singing in the dead of night



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-15-2019, 07:04 PM

Despite his personal vow to spend the entirety of winter in the north, Kai had diverged slightly from his plan. The godforsaken tusks that had been growing from his upper jaw had left him feeling miserable and achy, and he longed for the day when they would finish growing... which was hopefully soon, judging by the fact that they were quite nearly the size he remembered his father's being. The bitter cold, while normally quite invigorating to him, had become a bit of a nuisance with all his aches and pains and finding a temporary reprieve in a warmer territory was a welcome thought. With that in mind, he headed east, navigating over the treacherous mountain pass and toward Mount Volkan, a landmark he was rather familiar with.

The warmth that seemed to emanate from the rocky terrain itself was calming, temporarily soothing his foul mood. It was an enjoyable contrast to the bitter wind that had kicked up around him, rustling his grey coat and causing a delightful shiver to crawl down his spine. The unpredictable rockiness of the volcano had always appealed to him, and now that Elias no long ruled over these lands Kai was pleased to explore them as they pleased. He climbed higher, his chest heaving from the relatively rapid ascent. Unlike Chaos, he wasn't leaping from boulder to boulder, though he wouldn't be opposed to the challenge - he was content for now to stand on solid ground, navigating over the safer expanses of rock and rubble. The mere thought of snagging one of his tusks on something made him wince to even think about. For now, he'd try to avoid tumbling down the mountainside.

The scent of blood suddenly hit him as he moved, and he swiveled his head and sniffed hard at the air to try to decipher where it was coming from. It was difficult to track, mixed with the dank smell of sulfur and ash, but eventually he was confident he was heading toward it. It wasn't long before he saw the silhouette of a stranger in the distance, standing on a small precipice and gazing below him down the slope. Grinning at the possibility of a distraction, Kai picked up his pace and hurried to get a better view of the stranger, slightly higher than him on the volcano's side. "Greetings!" Kai called out, forcing a relatively cheery voice. The soreness in his face was irritating enough, he wasn't in the mood to start a conversation on a shitty note.