
Popping like Popcorn



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2019, 09:51 PM

His ears would perk as Chaos spoke, taking in his question so he could answer him. His addition towards the end really made him think. He could simply raid and take what he wanted, clean out their entire storage. He could waste the energy of his pack and do that so what could Branch bring to the table that would interest him. He wasn't sure how skilled his sister was with her crafting, but his family had made traps, weapons, clothing, and jewelry. What would a wolf like this Chaos be interested in? He then went on to talk about his warriors and that he would have to have a compelling reason to deprive them. This certainly wasn't the type of conversation he had expected, but the young male remained calm. Getting worked up would make things worse right now.

"Crafting includes things like traps, weapons, jewelry, and even small pieces of armor," he started to answer his first question. "And I will be honest with you, with us just starting out and having at least 1/3 of us healers it will not be much of a win for your warriors."

He might be stupid at stating that, but it might be the bit of honest information he needed to help boost his case. It also gave him a bit of an idea as well, but would it work?

"I would.... also be willing to work out an agreement to help train your warriors in an actual raid position." he said before elaborating more. "Training sessions that would include testing my border patrol and testing how sneaky and skilled your warriors would be at breaching a border. This will give them training, without needed injuries."

It was a suggestion, but maybe this alpha would be interested. Obviously his pack would be aware of the agreement and there wouldn't be any physical attacks. Spars maybe, but nothing too serious.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'