
Breaking In, Shaping Up

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
02-15-2019, 10:13 PM
After gathering her band Valkyrie led the motley crew into the south. They'd passed by pack after pack, and each time Valkyrie had to fight the urge to scout them out. There would be time for that soon enough. It was different now that she had a band. She couldn't move quite as freely among the packs. While many of her wolves were familiar, a few weren't and she wasn't quite ready to draw attention to the group. Better to get a feel for their abilities first before tempting fate.


She'd chosen this island carefully. Its abundance of wildlife and foliage-choked terrain made it a good place to fatten up and train - all in relative seclusion. Here they would hone their skills for the coming raids.

It was with the next part of her plan in mind that Valkyrie made her way to the beach facing the mainland. She gazed out across the water and studied the trees on the other side. From this distance she could hear nothing from the mainland. Valkyrie could see the trees moving as a breeze blew through them. She could see waves crashing on the rocky shore and she could guess at the sounds coming from the Plains. But she could hear none of it; it was a world apart.


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.