
Forgive and forget and die


07-13-2013, 06:52 PM
The brutes ears perked when he heard the reply from below, thank god he was alive! He felt relieved, though not sure why considering he didn't know who the hell this was. His features brought on more seriousness when he heard the male say that he wasn't okay. Looking closely, he could see blood on the rock, and the brute looked like he was in serious pain. Also the fact that the way he moved brought a fresh wave of agony each time he tried. Ears flattening, he looked around to see if he could try and get down to him. Not far to his right there was a somewhat steep path, but it seemed climbable. The only thing it seemed to him, was that it would take a bit of time to get the brute up there...if he couldn't walk, then Squall would have to carry him. He was sure it'd be a challenge, but something he could manage nonetheless.

His brown head followed the bird that flew up past him, ears catching the sounds from the creatures beak. A broken leg? Damn...that would be harder. If the man was in a lot of pain, a broken leg would only add to the difficulties...but he'd have to deal with it if he wanted to get off of this cliff. Glancing around towards the white woman, he asked "You, do you know of a healer in these parts? The one down there, he needs one, bad. He looks really beat up, so I need you to find a healer while I go get him. Understand? Otherwise, he'll die without help. Now go!" He ordered her, as he swiftly turned and galloped to the steep trail without waiting for an answer.

Paws slid under him as he followed the steep path, loose stones rolling under his feet to the ground below. Peering over, he shuddered. A wolf would surely break more then just his leg if it fell over the edge...The thought scared him, but he knew that he had to keep going. This was a life or death situation, and he'd be damned if he let this creature die. Unsocial though he was, he didn't have a heart shut off entirely from the world...after meeting the cub Augustus, he felt a little more thankful that there was probably a plan in store for this tri-colored soul. Determination etched him like the carvings in a cave, he moved his body sideways to get better traction with his feet. Still a few yards to go, he pitched forward and side hopped down until his feet finally hit solid rock. Looking up towards the path he just came from, a grim look overcame him. It would take a lot of time to get him back up...but it was possible to do it.

Turning around, he made a quick trot to the fallen mans side. He came up cautiously, for he knew that pain could make anything snap. But would this fallen soul try to harm him while he was trying to help? Only the gods would know. If he did try to hurt him, then Squall would take any blind punishment till he got him to safety. It was the least he could do in this life. Sniffing at the mans leg, he glanced at him, "I'm here to help, don't worry, I won't harm you."

Speech, Thought, You