
blackbird singing in the dead of night



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-16-2019, 12:09 AM
A hint of movement further down the slope drew his attention to another male moments before the male called up a cheery greeting. The male's eye-catching red markings was the first thing Chaos noticed, but as his gaze traveled over him in perusal he did a double-take. Were those tusks pressing their way out from under the male's upper lip. Chaos' already-welcoming half smile widened into a pleased grin - which he immediately had to exchange for a closed-mouth smile before he could drool blood everywhere, because that would be awkward, and he was careful to swallow what blood was still leaking from his abused tongue and lip - before he hopped down from his perch to land with a 'ta-da' flourish next to the other male. "Why, hello there, and how do you do this very fine day?" he exclaimed with a playful jocularity. And continuing with a tilt of his head and a grin, unrepentant of how rude it might have seemed to immediately bring up what in theory could have been considered a deformity, though how anyone could have considered those magnificent tushes that way was beyond him - "I can't help but notice we have a great deal in common."

Up close, the male's tusks were pretty impressive considering the sad lack of facial adornments most males had to live with. Chaos studied them with frank interest, curious to see the differences between them and the flat, serrated fangs that curved down from his own lips. He was, perhaps, a little closer than a lot of strangers would be comfortable with so hopefully the man didn't have a particularly large personal bubble, but it was very rare for him to meet anyone with features so unusual, and like with Artemis' rare coloring he found himself fascinated. "I'm Chaos," he introduced himself somewhat belatedly, flashing the man an apologetic grin at the lapse.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write