



7 Years
07-13-2013, 06:53 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia skirted the edge of the beach daringly, her golden eyes cautious as she crept along its edge and hurried away from the open shoreline in favor of a more secluded place. There was something about the beach that simply drew her to it: the taste of the air, the feel of the bracing winds, the warmth of the sand on a sunny day. It all called to her and brought her back, despite the dangers that had found her last time she had braved the beach. She could still recall that day at the tide pools with unwanted clarity, as well as the figure that had haunted her there. He had been a dark, hulking wolf, a living shadow if ever there was one. Black as night and with an ego the size of a bear, he had attempted to lure her in, promises of making her his first claim made to coax her closer. It hadn't worked. No sooner had she been given a chance, she ran and stayed away for a while.

But aside from that encounter, her first visit to the beach had been delightful and she had been biding her time until she could return, even searching for a different location aside from the tide pools where she could go there and still find it to be enjoyable. Luck had been on her side when she noticed the cave. Its wide mouth was situated a ways back along the shoreline, away from the beach and tide pools and still within the vicinity of them both. The black and russet she-wolf glanced over one shoulder as she neared the large opening of the cave and continued about her hurried gait until she was within, slipping into the sandy entrance before she slowed her pace and paused to look behind her, grateful that no one seemed to be following her. Good. She had made it safely.

Inhaling deeply the fresh air of the ocean, Tahlia allowed herself to relax and get her first look inside the cavern and a sudden gasp slipped from her muzzle. The rocks! They glowed! Sunlight filtered in from above and seemed to catch on all the gleaming facets of the stones that were set inside of the cavern, adding light toward the back when it seemed to be otherwise heavily cloaked in shadows. "Oh, how lovely," she murmured to herself, her words gently echoing in the stony interior. The sound almost caused a smile to steal across her face, her lips curving with gentle humor at their edges while her darkened gold eyes lit up as she looked around. So interesting, so beautiful; she was so glad she had decided to come here! Curious and eager to see more of the cave, the curvy she-wolf padded further inside with a couple wags of her tail as she began to thoroughly inspect the cavern and see how it was that the light had managed to make the cave radiate light as it did.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier