
The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turning



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 10:46 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Nephthys turned slowly to face him and he watched the water cling to her coat, curious as to what she was doing standing in such cold water. A test of endurance? Cold addling one's brain? Or had he some how managed to interrupt her in the middle of another ritual? He he had to guess he'd say the later. Either way she didn't seem distressed so there was no need to go rescuing said damsel. His right ear twitched at the clicking noises coming from Griff. He could tell the bird was irritated at being interrupted.

"Ahem, your lesson, Ashiel. Please focus on the task at hand instead of indulging in the sight of some would-be siren," Griff whispered as best as a bird could. Ashiel ignored the bird, shifting his weight effortlessly as he reached out his left hind leg to push his companion back. He'd return to the lesson soon enough. It was rare he got to socialize outside of the family these days. He at least wanted to know what she was up to.

We seem to always meet during these times. You look as handsome as ever, darling.

He nodded, his crown dipping in a graceful arc. "Yes, we do seem to keep interrupting each other in the midst of our respective rituals." She complimented him and he turned his head in a mocking coy gesture, like a maiden suddenly shying from a compliment. "And you are still as wreathed in mystery and allure." The compliment rolled easily off his tongue. He wasn't normally like this but there was something about it that was almost like a game.

"Would you care to join me up on the shore? I'm working on a little item if you'd like some company after you complete your ritual."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.