



7 Years
02-17-2019, 04:30 AM

She trusted Alphonse with her life. She even remembers her youth days when she willingly put herself in danger or at risk to see exactly how fast will the feline reach her. He came every single time, no matter where or with who she was and if that made him weary to leave her out of his sight, so be it.

The woods were always a shade brighter after the rain. It was as if the gift of the skies wasn't water, but liquid magic, washing our world to show what was there all along, nature in her in humble brilliance. If she were not battling this race against time the cinnamon babe would even take a moment to admire it however she did not have any moments to spare as of now. The injuries of the male were severe and he was continously losing blood.  How fortunate she was for taking a lessong from Jouko some time ago, she had taught her well, though small she did hold some knowledge over general healing and what herbs she needed to gather.

It was fortunate for her to find the exact tree she has been seeking. A Marcescent Hardwoods, among the Evergreen, this particular tree did not shed its leaves during winter and she started to gather a few leaves the fell on the winter ivory blanket due to the strong winds. She kept them in her tail, supported by their chains, carefully not to rip any fore she needed them whole. The next item in her mind was Horsetail and she knew exactly where to find it but for that she will need to return towards the two males she left unsupervised.

Mile-long limbs carried the babe upon the land in rapid motions, she was almost floating above the ground when she reached them. Her lenses did not lock on them as someone would expect but in this particular case she ignored the two males completely as her eyes scanned for something else; a paricular herb that prefered wet and sandy soil and --- VOILA! there is was in all its glory. One the the fantastic properties of this herb was the binding of wounds and that is what she needed. The babe was no practical healer however she could step in and hold some pieces of the man together until she takes him to a proper healer that will take better care of such a serious wound.

You are doing great. she mused, steadily as Alphonse rolled his crimson optics, offering them enough space to perform. It was quite simple in theory. Before she returned to them she ripped a few piece of the Horsetail herb and brought it along in her jaws, she shall apply it toppically to the wound that has been cleaned by the rivers cold water. After applying the bronze Goddess shall wrap the tree leaves around it, using one of her own golden chains in order to hold it together for the time being. Brilliant. You will be alright.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together