
Late Fall Cleaning



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-17-2019, 11:08 AM

Despite Valdis coming out with her feelings first, Asvor couldn't help but feel faintly anxious as she spoke and waited for the other woman's reply. There was something terrifying about being so honest, especially when it came to the one wolf she trusted and cared for more than nearly anything, and all at once she felt her feelings become more clear. Asvor felt weirdly vulnerable, but the feeling wasn't necessarily a bad one, just.. different, and rather unfamiliar. Her gaze was fixed on Valdis as she spoke, and as she saw something like relief wash over her features she felt a similar wave of relief and joy, and eventually she was smiling dumbly at her.

"No, thank you," Asvor breathed, shaking her head slowly. "I can't lie, I was scared when I realized I was only coming here to be with you. I've never done anything like that for someone else," she admitted tentatively, leaning to bask in the brief moment of affection. Touching Valdis had always seemed second nature to her after their time apart but she'd always withheld most of her affections, unsure how the other woman would take it. But now? She was eager to explore that part of their relationship, leaning into her touch with a slow grin. "Would you mind if I stayed in your den with you? I'll admit I've been slacking on finding a suitable one for myself." Maybe partially because she'd been subconsciously hoped for an invitation into Valdis's. She wasn't sure. "I'll help you dig it out more and make room for my herbs, too." It sounded like a good idea and she wasn't as nervous about asking as she expected she might be now that Valdis had opened up to her.