
The worst kind of man



8 Years
02-17-2019, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 02:37 PM by Hannibal.)
this gunna get mature - powerplay is allowed by asena ^^ peep her siggy

As the Taskmaster awaited the arrival of his quivering slave the male was thoughtless. Hannibal was merely doing what had to be done. He held no remorse no guilt. The male presented an easy life to Eulogy and she seemed to take such for granted. All he asked for was a well mannered servant to bring him and his family food from the storage and watch the pups every now and again. That is all. Yet, she had to go on and run her trap. It was as if she wished to be thought of as an equal The thought of such sent a shiver of annoyance down his spine and sneer upon his wretched lips. Anyone who allowed themselves to be even considered submissive or lesser was completely inferior.

As the bond servant moved her way towards him the sneer grew. He watched with disgust as her already small form shrunk to the earth. This was how she should always feel when under the gaze of Hannibal. He wallowed within the power for a few moments before parting his salivating jaws for speech. "Eulogy you have an easy life." no matter the negativity surrounding her position in the pack she had shelter, food, and freedom to roam the Ero lands. "Perhaps I have made you too comfortable. I figured if I were a pleasant master you wouldn't hate your pathetic life as much as you should." There were heaping amounts of venom leaking from his tongue as velvet words left his mouth. "We all have duties, Eulogy. When you fail to do yours I must do mine."

With that the man moved his right paw to press against the back of her neck just above her left shoulder to keep her against the ground. In a flash his jaws were parted and Hannibal aimed a bite at the left side of her muzzle. Top frontal teeth aimed just above her top lip at the upper curvature of the muzzle while bottom frontal teeth grasped her lower jaw at the underside of her muzzle. He then snapped the teeth together ripping the flesh as his own teeth met. Drawing his head back blood dripped from his seething jowls and Hannibal observed what he had done. Eulogy would be left with a few hefty gashes along the left side of her muzzle, vertical against her lips. The underside of her lower jaw would be ripped as well and blood could be seen dripping from her form. With a snort the beast backed away and his bloodied jaws opened once again to speak. "A reminder." He took a step back, "Next time I will take your tongue."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.