
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



5 Years
02-17-2019, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 09:48 PM by Lydia.)

Lydia shifted her pack, making sure it wasn't to tight. She'd had a good haul of a number of items that had been left in old storage dens. She wished she'd have thought of cleaning them out sooner. Now that she was part of a pack there was no reason to keep a smattering of little dens here and there though it would take awhile to clean them out. Trotting through the snow she headed south making a beeline through the battlefield when she caught a staggering amount of different scents. She'd heard the call but had ignored it. Some sort of spat she figured or challenge. It certainly wasn't for her or anyone she knew.

Curiosity got the better of her and as she approached she saw a large group of wolves, from a number of different packs gathered together. What on earth was going on? She was late to the group and very little information to go on other than an angry woman with a feather in her fur yelling at a male and escorting a pup out of the gathering. She looked around and then froze as she noticed the gathering of Abraxas. She felt her blood run cold and her gut sink as she spied Pyralis, locking eyes with the woman who suddenly started grinning. She felt her limbs starting to shake and quickly sat down. Surely the woman wouldn't be so brazen to attack her in this group. Besides, Pyralis had driven her off. She wasn't going to get captured again, definitely not. She quickly broke eye contact with the larger woman.

Another woman spoke, surrendering to a challenge if meant the safety of her children. Lydia felt a pang in her heart for the woman but when she started talking about bones and skins, Lydia shuddered. What madhouse had she walked into?

"Talk" "You" Think