
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-18-2019, 12:16 AM
OOC: We agreed on 10 ft apart facing each other

Archon's focus stayed to Hannibal as the rumble of voices around him blurred. Vaguely he saw a few fights start to break out in what he could only consider classless drama. These mortals had no respect. They were simply here, invited to spectate and somehow they couldn't even do that.

Hannibal said he was here to clean up his alpha's mess. Little did he know how true that was.

Before he could initiate the fight, the alpha slunk in. He was an ooey gooey mess of coagulating blood body fluids. Archon looked at him for a moment as he yelled. He claimed himself the demon king of lightning and Archon wasn't able to hold back the scoff that entered his throat. He almost laughed. His maw twitched. He composed himself. This was no laughing matter. This was a pathetic display, but the man seemed genuinely convinced that this was who he was and that this... appearance was somehow how he was meant to enter.

"Wait your turn, filthy waif," Archon demanded, his eyes breaking from Hannibal for a split second. "You might look like you were just born: covered in afterbirth and waste, but we both know better. You dishonor the nature of a challenge with your disgusting scum. I have another challenge in mind, now. While you were dressing yourself, I found a worthy opponent to fight. In the meantime, perhaps you should cleanse yourself. By the time you return, we will be done here."

Archon turned his attention back to Hannibal, a brief flash of concern going in the pale man's direction. This was his alpha? How pitiful. Archon knew now he had chosen well to fight Hannibal instead.

The two faced each other with 10ft between them (as agreed upon).

Archon readied his defenses: His legs spacing out slightly wider than shoulder and hip width apart for balance and he bent his knees for added agility and to lower the center of gravity. His weight distributed evenly across his legs. Archon's toes dug into the ground for traction, his tail flagging out to aid in agility and balance. His hackles laced up his back, the fur adding to the padding and protecting from glancing blows. His head came down level with his spine as he tucked his chin and rolled his shoulders, shifting his scruff to protect his neck. His ears pinned to his head and he narrowed his eyes, curling his lips in an effort to deflect blows from his face and eyes. He was ready.

More than that, he was nearly a foot larger than his opponent.

Archon launched himself at his opponent head on. He would wait until the last minute to divert himself slightly to his right. He lifted his left foreleg and pushed his left shoulder out, redistributing his weight to his three grounded legs. With his left forepaw raised and left shoulder jutting out, Archon aimed to slam down on and pin Hannibal's left forepaw, hoping the weight difference between the two would be enough to fracture some of the toes. He simultaneously aimed to ram his left shoulder into the smaller man's left shoulder. With the run-up and speed, he hoped he might be able to hit with enough power to dislocate Hannibal's left shoulder.

Hopefully the shoulder jab and paw stomp combo would render Hannibal's left foreleg unusable.

Archon's jaws opened wide, snaking around to Archon's left and seeking to bite and grip the top of Hannibal's spine, about a half inch from where Hannibal's shoulders met his back. Archon intended to encompass the spine with his lower teeth on the left of the spine and the top teeth on the right, aiming to crush a vertebrae or two with enough force to render Hannibal paralyzed.

If he was able to accomplish what he aimed to do, the fight would be over in seconds.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 1/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy