
No Note, No Letter [Skaldi]



4 Years
Extra large
02-18-2019, 04:32 PM

From the corner of his periphery another familiar face emerged from the nearby underbrush. Aersir blinked once just to be certain that his eyes were not deceiving him. Of course, there was no mistaking those markings or the crown that marked their supposed curse. He grinned. Fortuitous that they had found themselves there. He flicked an ear at Kvasir's glib retort, filing that away as something to be passive aggressive about later. "Why, yes we were," her remarked for no reason other than to be contrary.

He jerked his head back over his shoulder, further into the battlefield who's fringes they lingered upon. "He's right, you've missed all the fun. Valkyrie Finnvi from home has sprung up a band. Day late and a rabbit short, as usual," he ribbed, grin widening. He may not have been an affectionate sibling, but if Halvar had any sense he would see it for what it was. Aesir was glad to see him, after all. Halvar would obviously be joining them, and to Aesir's thinking it wasn't even an option. The siblings had always stuck together, so he might as well have been just as sworn in as they were. "Been a bit boring without the two of you to spring up disasters. Not to say I haven't found my own regardless," he groused. Under his breath he muttered, "Avalanche was still more than I bargained for.."

He rolled his shoulders and looked back to them. "Maybe this band can help us keep our heads attached to our shoulders for a bit longer, hm?" It seemed like a strange bit of kismet for all of this to fall into place the way that it had. Given his childhood it made Aesir... wary. Were he any of his kinsmen from home, he would be overjoyed at the show of favor from the gods but this seemed a bit too good to be true. Then again, he wasn't the suspicious one, Aesir reminded himself. Whatever was destined to happen would see itself unfold, of that he had no doubt. As he was no seer he tried to let it be, and focus instead on the good things that (for now) still seemed likely to come.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks