
The fun is just starting



4 Years
02-18-2019, 07:44 PM
Big though the wolf might be in size and in ego her courage was not as big as one might have expected. The black furred woman revealed a rather frightening smile thus unsettling Basilia in all of her supposed confidence. Basilia took a step back from the other female, she had wanted to push them but hadn’t expected them to break so…easily. Most wolves that she had encountered could withstand her terrible treatment of them for more than a couple minutes, it usually took hours to break down someone using her current methods. To make matters worse the female’s eyes started glowing. This was not okay with the large female.

Backing up even more she heard the comment about friends on the other side. With eyes like that Basilia was just about to believe her, no wolf she had met had done that. Whoever these friends were, should they truly exist Basilia did not want to meet them. On the verge of fleeing the situation Basilia heard a voice in the back of her head. If she left now she could be considered a wuss and she wasn’t about to give anyone the occasion to call her such a thing, even herself. She was going to see through this encounter to the end, even if she took injury from it.

Strengthening her resolve she stopped backing up and stood firm. Splaying her paws on the ground and spreading her balance between all four legs she stood ready for whatever might come. Overcome by a wave of confidence she exclaimed “I am Basilia Tempest and I will not be swayed by your threats!” All sense of ego and cockiness gone the female stood with determination in her eyes. “I acknowledge you have some form of power, but a simple light show isn’t going to make me run away with my tail between my legs.”
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.