
Anya's Children & Followers



3 Years
Ezio I
02-19-2019, 06:53 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2019, 11:19 AM by Anya.)
I'm bringing in this pretty evil woman, lovely Anya, she does have two children who are one year old. She has been raising them on her own since they were six months old and after she had killed her mate/their father. However, she has been able to manipulate them into believing it wasn't her instead it was a stranger wolf who did it. Anya has brainwashed them into believing the brutal way she lives is how it is supposed to be and there is no other way of living. Especially with how cruel she has been to her children, she wants to ensure there is no show of weakness from them. If anything there is very little to no care for her children or her own blood in general, what happens to them doesn't matter to her at all. Or so what she may have made them to believe what she thinks of them and so on.

Here is Anya's ref and their father's ref.

In total, there will be two children to be played. Names, genders, appearances and personality are up to you. Plot ideas recommended as well.

There is no such thing as civilisation and it's what the world has taught her, it is the only truth she believes in. Anya believes that wolves haven't really risen above their baser instincts, it is just false knowledge and hopes if one believes otherwise. She may create a band or pack at some point in the future, however, anyone who is following her or will follow her will be assessed carefully as well as put through some training to ensure their worthiness. She will force her beliefs into these people who want to join her group of complete savages.

Those who are already following her already know her and have been through these tests. She is basically breaking down these individuals and building them back up to be untamed, emotionless and hardened. Yet as their leader/master, they will always listen to her. They will also try and avoid large packs or groups as she doesn't trust or believe in them, nor does she want her people to know that there are other options in their life.

In total, there will be 3-5 followers to be played. Names, genders, appearances and personality are up to you. Plot ideas recommended as well.

Character Form
[b]Name:[/b] Your character's name.
[b]Gender:[/b] Male/Female/Other
[b]Relationship to Anya:[/b] Child or follower.

[b]Appearance:[/b] 100+ words.
[b]Personality:[/b] 150+ words.

[b]RP Sample:[/b] This is optional, but somewhat recommended if you would like to get a feel of the character you are making.

[b]Plot Ideas/Extras:[/b] This is optional, but feel free to add anything here about the character.