
Reinstate Banshee


07-14-2013, 12:00 AM

OOC Name:Eve
How did you get here?:

Character's Name:Reinstate Banshee.
Age: 7
Season of birth: Spring
Size: Extra large
Appearance description:Banshee is a torment of a wolf, an intimidating sight just by appearences alone. Shes almost six feet long and her height is impossible to tell for the almost unnatural way the dame moves. She has a coat of black, but it is fragmented and broken. Hairless regions, scars, burns, punctures, and her eyes have a sunken and hollow look to them. She moves in a jagged and haphazard way but with the flick of a wrist her body can mold perfectly into the movements of a battle ready warrior. She is border-lining on the cusp of becoming feral and usually if her strange way of walking isnt taken in fear, her appearence alone will send wolves scattering. Her speech is a very dull drawl, fragmented and slow, with sharp and crisp emphasis, and her howl is a wail of which could summon the dead. Its creepy and bone-chilling Her sole companion is a rat she named Wraith. He is in no better condition than her, with pure black fur, milky white eyes, and a festering scream, hes just as intimidating as his mistress.
Duty: Slayer