
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



8 Years
02-19-2019, 01:37 PM

The world was spinning at ten times speed as he stood face to face with his opponent. The sheer amount of spectators surprised him. In his time in Boreas and even Auster he had not met so many different Wolves. Where were they all lurking? Perhaps most only stretched their legs at the sense of drama. As the sounds of bickering, gossip, and even worry filled his ears it was evident most didn't even have ties to Archon. Perhaps they knew of the Godly man but other then that everyone seemed to be rather neutral when it came to the actual fight. That being said it seemed as Archon and Hannibal were hunkering down for their fight a few other fights were ready to break out. Tensions were high and he could sense the drama as if it were a noxious gas. Leera was being challenge for and then Thora too. It seemed Abaven was puffing their chest out and for what reason? It was hard to say. The name Eulogy had been thrown around but he still could not place as to why she would be of importance to these Wolves. Or even important enough to start a war.

As he ripped his thoughts away from the other seeminglymeaningless drama there was yet another dramatic entrance. This time is was much less graceful. The stench of bile and blood filled his pink nose. A snort could be seen and heard from the albino as his pale gaze reluctantly met his Alpha. Blood and chunks of muck covered his dark from and disgustingly dramatic vocals boomed through the air. At this point Hannibal was about done with the horrific and desperate need of attention these Wolves were emitting. As a vain and rather dreadfully manic creature Hannibal could reason with a bit of theatrics. Nephthys and himself seemed to both relish within their undying need of attention for one another. But to display such disgusting attempts to take the spotlight and to show up to your challenge later then every other Wolf in the lands covered in Bear guts was just pathetic. With a judgmental gaze the phantom listened to the belittlement that Archon brought forth. It seemed despite the fact that Hannibal and Archon were about to fight they could agree on their distinct disapproval for Tyranis and his little show.

Hannibal flicked his gaze to his leaders eyes and a snarl appeared on his lips. "My mighty Alpha has made his grand entrance." His head tilted and his eyes widened in a look of putrid wonder. "I am so very glad you took the time to roll about in some guts, it seems you really have your priorities straight Tyranis. In the meantime I have been challenged for my freedom." The beast raised his head and his tail shot upward to the sky. The dominance leaking from his form was greater then seen before. Hannibal had no regard for the authority his alpha held for his own power was leaking through. At this point, he had given up on attempting to please Tyranis or turning a blind eye to his utter disrespect for the most active and promising member of his pack. Hannibal had no ill will towards his leader but within recent months Tyranis did nothing but shun the albino for doing nothing but bettering Erovrare. And now? Now Tyranis shows up covered in blood demanding respect from the other creatures that were so gracious in showing up to the challenge on time. Wether that be a difference in minutes Hannibal's freedom was being challenged for due to his leader's lack of punctuality.

"You will get the fight you deserve Tyranis." However the alpha took Hannibal's last words was up to him. The truth behind his tongue would be revealed soon. "If you would, please back away from the fighting ring.. You are going to muddy up the earth with your disgusting drippings." With that Hannibal moved his gaze back towards Archon. They stared at one another with simple understanding that the fight was about to begin. They stood ten feet away from one another head on. It was a fair fight for what Hannibal lacked in height would be limber speed. He also took those moments to ready his defenses once again for that had been let up during the rude interruption of his alpha.

Hannibal lowered his head to align with his spine. His chin pointed downward to protect his throat. Eyes narrowed into slants to protect from dirt and dust. Lips curled upward to expose rigid teeth. Ears flattened against his head to make them much less of a target. His hackles raised and rolled to protect his upper back and appear menacing. A black and white tail aligned with his spine for balance, especially while moving. Legs bent to lower his form to the ground and each leg was places evenly apart for a sturdy stance. Hannibal's weight was evenly distributed between each large paw and his pads flexed to grip the earth below. His mind cleared as his breathing was much more focused. Hannibal was ready for the battle and he drowned out all of the meaningly chatter surrounding him. This was the beginning of a mighty revolution and it began with fighting for his freedom.

Suddenly Archon charged in Hannibal's direction. Hannibal dug his paws in the earth to prepare for the impact with a grimace across his pretty face. At the last moment Archon diverted and ran at Hannibal's left. The albino watched carefully as Archon moved his left forepaw upward just before the disturbing impact of their bodies colliding. Due to the force of the larger Wolf's left shoulder connecting with Hannibal own left shoulder a pang of extreme pain flowed through the albino's body. Archon's left front shoulder hit right at the joint which threw Hannibal's left shoulder back enough to almost dislocate the joint but thankfully it remained in tact. The pale male felt jolt within his front left shoulder joint led by a throbbing of pain. There would most likely be a rock hard knot forming beneath the albino's bruised skin. His left foreleg was not useless but any movement would easily bring forth heart wrenching pain for the pale male. - Though, with the impact of Archon's hit to Hannibal's left shoulder, the albino's left foreleg and paw was forced back and to the left enough to almost dodge Archon's attempt at crushing Hannibal's toes. Archon was able to press down on Hannibal's inner most right toe on his front left paw enough to send a howling sense of pain up through Hannibal's left foreleg. The inner most right toe would throb with pain and likely swell due to the amount of pressure that was stomped down upon it. The combination of Archon's first two attacks would render Hannibal's left foreleg and left shoulder extremely painful and tender. But, with the adrenaline pumping through the albino's body he was just barely able to maintain a stance enough to continue fighting on the limb. The pale male ensured his weight was redistributed between his other three legs in order to maintain balance. As well as his uninjured paws further digging into the dirt below.

Within seconds Archon was assaulting once again. This time he moved from Hannibal's left to Hannibal's right. The albino was about a foot shorter then his opponent which rendered his back an easy target. Archon moved to bite Hannibal's upper back at the top of his spine. It was an attack that could end in Hannibal's demise; paralyzation. With the albino being aware of the severity of Archon's attack, due to the amount of sensitive flesh upon his back, he was rather quick with an attempt to counter it. As Archon snaked his head up to Hannibal's right and aimed to bite, Hannibal aimed to very swiftly move his body down towards the ground with bending of his elbows and knees. Most of his weight was distributed between his front right leg and two hind legs but he still managed to press down his front left leg enough for the sake of his counter attack. Pain shot through his already sore body but Hannibal was able to clench through it for the sake of his freedom. In an instant Hannibal attempted to force his body upward and slightly to the right. The albino aimed for the top right side of his head and neck to be lurched upward into Archon's throat, about where his opponent's mandible would end and his neck begin. With the angle of Archon's own assault of Hannibal's upper back the albino's upper right neck, behind his right ear, should be easily placed at Archon's throat/neck region. Hannibal hoped to apply enough force upward to do some moderate damage to his opponent's throat and perhaps knock the wind out of the larger Wolf. Or possibly send Archon's head upward enough to move out from under him. If he was lucky Archon would be forced to take a few moments to collect himself but it all depended on his opponents movement and reaction to such a sudden lurch. - Though, Hannibal's attempt at a counter assault would not be enough to defer Archon's bite. With the upward movement of the albino's body Archon's bite purchased but slightly lower then intended. Archon's upper jaws hit at Hannibal's spine about three inches below the albino's shoulder blades. Archon's lower jaw was able to make purchase just below his upper jaws. With Hannibal's movements, (his attempt at lurching upward into Archon's throat), Archon was able to puncture the pink and scabby skin of Hannibal's upper back enough to draw blood and cause a moderate to severe amount of pain. But, there was not enough impact to crush any vertebrae, thankfully. Blood dripped from Hannibal's upper back and the sting of a bite flowed down his spine to the tip of his tail. A visible grimace could be seen in response but the attack was not enough to send the pale male into submission.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM (freedom)
Round: 1/3
Height: 35"
Build: medium

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.