
Caricature of intimacy



8 Years
02-19-2019, 09:00 PM

Hannibal watched as his fiery companion drifted off to sleep. The female body was a pure wonder to the male. Despite Nephthys' abnormalities she had done something only a creature of her capacity could. The serpentine babe gave brith to a blossoming and bright litter of powerful demi-gods. They radiated with purity and light. His heart was full and his skin warm to the touch. His thoughts brought forth a very gentle twinkle within his gaze as he watched the beautiful children breath at their mother's belly. Perhaps one could see his pale optics water ever so slightly but he would soon flutter the twinge of tears away as he swallowed audibly. He held no sadness but sight of his newly birthed blood made his heart do leaps and bounds.

Mordecai, the smallest, was struggling to get comfortable as he was being squished between the two other larger pups. Hannibal leaned downward slowly to very gently nudge Banshee over enough to give the smaller male room to cuddle. A tiny smile fell upon his pale lips as he moved away to look over Leera. They both seemed content within the warm den. Their tiny family grew that day. Not only did pups join their inner circle by Leera did as well. At first Hannibal had no ounce of trust for the mahogany pointed temptress but with look within those magenta eyes was of no snake. She was just as happy as himself which brought forth an even larger smile to the demon's lips.

Not before long Leera made her exit and he assumed Tyranis would as well. With a tiny sigh the male moved to lay behind Thys with his belly to her back. Despite the match of their size he was the bigger spoon. His head flopped down upon the earth and he laid in simple thought. Every now and again his head lifted to take a peek at the pups. They would not go far if they woke up, plus the little mews would be enough to alert him of any tiny problems they may have. As the night went on the beast drifted in and out of sleep along side his beautiful family.

-exit via sleep-

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This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.