
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-20-2019, 12:34 AM

speech Thought You

Cloud had been out hunting when the initial call came, but he hadn't really thought about going because he figured that his brother would ignore it. On top of that, he didn't want to lose the elk he had been tracking. The pack needed all the food they could get during the Winter, after all. It didn't take him terribly long to bring down his prey, and as he was starting to drag it back to the pack, a prickling, nagging feeling started tugging at his mind. He was almost at the border when his Osprey companion came flying towards him. Cloud looked up as his companion told him what was going, and when he mentioned that Thora was being challenged for, Cloud's heart dropped. He abandoned his kill and raced towards the battlefield with all the speed he could muster. He leaped over logs and charged through bushes, not caring for any scratches or cuts he acquired along the way. What the hell was Thora doing there and why the hell was someone trying to challenge for her!? Nobody cared for Thora the way he did, and he was kicking himself now for failing to keep his promise to his mother. Teeth bared, he burst onto the scene and pushed through the crowd, gaze frantically searching for his little sister. By the time he saw her, however, it seemed the challenger had decided to back off. Why he wasn't sure. Perhaps he had changed his mind while his companion went to find him.

Bi-colored gaze turned to Tyranis then as his brother spoke, his ears flattening as he listened. His brother seemed focused on the large white male that stood before a member of Erovrare, but Cloud didn't know her as anything more than the mother of his brother's children. He recognized the male, and if he recalled, the male was an uncle of his but he had never really spoken to him. He had been in Ty's first pack, then again in Ruina, and now he smelled like Abaven. All around him wolves were talking, and then he saw and heard Elias's youngest litter speak up. His gaze shifted between his brother, the two yearlings, and his uncle for a moment. He knew Tyranis well enough to know that his brother would likely do something rash. Maybe even enough to throw his life away for something that Cloud didn't think was worth it. He studied his blood-soaked brother for a moment, witnessing for the first time, what plagued him. Cloud hadn't been aware that his brother might be inflicted by the same curse that he had, but he hoped that maybe he could be the voice of reason much like Ty unknowingly was for him. When Cloud fell into the pits of hell, his brother's mere presence was usually enough to keep him sane and whole.

Would he be able to do the same for his brother? If only just enough to keep him from killing himself? He had to try. Tyranis was the closest thing he had, asides from Thora. They had been through hell and back together, always there for each other and supporting one another. Even though Cloud had mixed feelings about keeping slaves and the way Erovrare was, he still stood by his brother. His loyalty to him was absolute, but there hadn't been anything to test those bonds enough to see just how far his loyalty would go. He pushed through the crowd until he brushed alongside his brother's left. He didn't care if some of the blood rubbed off on him, he needed to be there for him. Tyranis, it's not worth it." He whispered to him.

He shifted his gaze to Acere who stood tall, staring down his brother. "Please, brother. Don't do anything rash...I know he declared you and our father enemies, but you don't have to die today. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He didn't know if his words were falling on deaf ears. Didn't even know if his brother was going to go as far as to start a fight to the death, but he had that gut feeling and knew his brother way too well. Attention turned to Actaea and Ignis then, a near pleading look in his eyes. If the situation was turned around, and your brother was in his place, what would you do, hm? You hate Tyranis and you hate Elias, I know. But we're all from the same blood, and that's something you can't escape from."

Granted, Cloudburst still kept the Wreckage name instead of Praetor, but they were still connected. Turning his attention back to Ty, he pressed his shoulder to his. "You know I support you in whatever you choose to do. If they get what they want today, then that just means you live another day to take back what's rightfully yours. You're strong, Ty. You're a fighter, a survivor. And you're smart, I know you can come up with a plan. Don't make a rash decision today when you can think about a solid plan tomorrow. We have time. There's always time." Well...for most things. He knew there was time for almost anything...except for his mother. He was glad she wasn't here to watch all of this, because he knew that if she wasn't dead yet, she would certainly have a heart attack or something with everything happening here.