
sparkling cinnamon



4 Years
02-20-2019, 12:00 PM

Round 3/4 - Collecting Meadowsweet

Clementine was more then happy to talk with the stranger. He seemed pretty nice and neutral to say the least. Though, he was also quite handsome! The lovely girl couldn't help but to notice his steel grey pelt and darker accents. But she was also not one to dwell with ravenous eyes for she wasn't controlled by lust like other creatures. She could very well rip her thoughts from romance back to herbs in an instant and that is what she did. Clem remained standing as he sat and she very intently listened to his explanation. It seemed that he was new to Boreas and was rather unfamiliar with the flora in these parts. She was also sort of new so she was figuring things out as she went. But, that did not mean the babe could not be of aid!

As he asked for her name and offered his own the lady perked up. "I am Clementine Wreckage of Kesali, a pack not too far from here." She offered a lovely smile before looking to the clearing around them. "Well, the only way to learn is to get your paws dirty and get to know the land. From what I know of The Orchard, where we are right now, is that come the warmer months all of the trees you see now fill with fruit and the earth blossoms with herbs." She looked back to him, "At the moment you won't find much here but I am on the hunt for Meadowsweet. It is a small clump of white flowers with yellow in the center. The herb can live in colder climates and is used for curing the flu, which is mighty helpful around this time of the year."

Clementine then moved towards the base of a larger tree before looking over her shoulder. "We could look together if you would like? I am fine with sharing whatever we may find." The babe offered another generous smile before beginning to search for the herb again. Her paws pushed dirt to the side as well as some rocks. The flower could be hidden under a root of a tree or under a rock for all she knew.

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[Image: clem_siggy.png]