
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-22-2019, 01:15 AM
OOC: There was a miscommunication. Kara has specified, "So, I see Archon moved over to Hannibal's right with his bite over top of hannibal's spine 3inches down from the shoulder blades
hes tall enough to where archon's head could just move over hannibal's
so hannibal is lurching up and to the right in order to push his head/upper neck into archon's throat"
My post is written to reflect this standing.

There were too many things going on. Archon zoned into battle, all the chaos beyond becoming a blur.

Archon felt some of his attacks hit. His left shoulder connected with Hannibal's left shoulder, causing moderate pain and bruising on Archon's left shoulder. Archon's left paw hit the innermost right toe on Hannibal's left forepaw. As Archon went for his bite on Hannibal's back, the smaller man ducked.

And then he launched back up, tilting to his right, and forcing Archon's head back at an awkward angle. The momentum was enough to cause an irritating choking feeling in his throat. He felt his teeth pierce flesh, although the movement itself was only enough to cause mild discomfort and break any grip Archon had sought rather than cause any real damage due to Archon's height.

Archon hoped to capitalize on Hannibal's upward movement. He lifted his right forepaw, rebalancing his weight to his three grounded legs, and attempted to hook and pull Hannibal's right foreleg towards him (Archon) with his own forepaw. Simultaneously, Archon opened his jaw wide, turned his head to his right- tucking his chin slightly as his head turned- and sought to bite and grip the right side of Hannibal's skill where the base of the ear met the skull. As Archon attempted these two power grabs, he pushed himself forward and to his right, hoping to shove Hannibal with his chest and put pressure on Hannibal's wounded left foreleg by depriving him of his right foreleg while pushing him towards his (Hannibal's) left.

Archon hoped this combination would cause the scablord to collapse onto his left side, putting him in the perfect position for submission.

Archon took the opportunity to recheck his defenses: Legs bent, weight balanced, his tail flagged out level with his spine and nails dug into the ground for agility and traction. His eyes narrowed, lips crinkled, and brow furrowed to deflect attacks from his eyes. His ears flattened, chin tucked, and hackles firmly raised, further deflecting any attacks that Hannibal threw his way.

Arhon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 2/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy