
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-21-2019, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 02:51 AM by Acere.)

All around him voices shouted and bodies continued to add to the already massive group that surrounded them. Ace stared down his opponent, and as he waited for an answer he flicked his ear and cast a quick glance when he heard a single word uttered from Rhyme. He didn't even have to see who he was challenging to know he, too, was going after someone from Erovrare. Ace didn't take his attention off of Leera, however, just in case she tried to attack him while he was distracted. Before long, however, a familiar and very pissed off voice yelled across the rest. “ACERE, RHYME, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?” His ears flattened, his fur starting to prickle upon his shoulders. “Fighting innocents? We are a pack that protects innocents. If the two of you are so damn certain you want to rip this pack apart, go after those that can damn well stand up for themselves. Drop your fights, and take up worthy ones, or so help me god, neither of you are welcome to return home.”

His eyes narrowed, lip curling in a silent snarl. His back was to Shaye, so she didn't see his reaction as she shouted at him and Rhyme. Had she forgotten what he told her the one time he had shown his vulnerability to her? Had she forgotten the words shared between them? He suspected that he would have to do things on his own, and at that moment he didn't care what she said. This war was his, and despite her having been adamant that day about fighting it with him, clearly he could not depend on her to back him up, even if she thought his actions were wrong. He had always thought about his actions before doing them, and he had thought for a long time ever since that night on the volcano with Elias and Tyranis. He knew Shaye didn't truly understand, and he was beginning to doubt that. What she had said was probably just for show. She had a good heart, yes. But she would never know what he truly felt inside. Whether she just tried to involve herself in every aspect of his life that wasn't really her business, or if she truly cared...he didn't fucking know. Only recently he had gotten the suspicion that she had kids with Rhyme...He also knew he was in a sort of denial about it. He cared about Shaye, yes. Maybe even started to feel something for her. But after his suspicions came to fruition, and especially after today, they quickly fell away like the tide retreating back to the ocean.

At this point, he would take his chances. With or without Shaye, he would do what he had to. Rhyme, however, would not. He backed down, and Acere couldn't help but feel disappointed in the alpha. Shaye had come and publicly embarrassed them both. And that was something Ace would not let go. Unlike Rhyme, however, Acere remained where he was instead of cowering back into the crowd with his tail between his legs. “Challenging for a mother and her children? You're a piece of shit, you know that?” An unfamiliar voice pulled his attention away from Leera for a moment, crimson gaze falling on a yearling. “Your babysitter is calling you away” His lip curled at the mocking remark, "Silence, child! Before you find yourself in the same predicament and don't think I will go easy on a disrespectful brat!" Some kids just needed to be disciplined, and he would do just that if the little shit kept talking. Besides, wasn't that the kid that followed Tyranis around in Ruina? No wonder he turned out that way. Tyranis wasn't the best influence for a child...Acere knew that to be a fact.

Shaye left, and soon after she did, Leera spoke. His gaze fell on her, the male readying for a fight but...she surprises him. "Take me -- but you will not touch the children. They go unharmed. They remain in my care." He stands there, shocked but he kept it hidden. He had not truly expected Leera to submit to him, but in the back of his mind, he knew why. And part of him felt relief that he didn't have to fight her. Despite his misgivings about the woman's nature, she had grown on him the last couple of times they had met. The only reason he had singled her out instead of Nephthys or whoever else was here in support of Erovrare. She looks him in the eye, pleading to him. And even despite her threat, he nods. "Your children will be safe, as will you. You have my word."

If there was one thing he was good at other than fighting, it was keeping his word. Before he knows it, the stench of something fierce and recognizable permeates the air. Ace lifted his head to see Tyranis stroll onto the battlefield, covered in blood and gore. Ace is all too familiar with what he sees, as it was something his once brother did. Somehow, Elias' influence had gotten a tight grip on Tyranis, and he knew the lightning child would remain stuck in those ways...unless, perhaps, something or someone gave him a harsh dose of reality. But perhaps he was too far gone even for that. His nephew's focus was on the fight between the initial challenger and the albino, however, so Ace turns his attention to a man at Leera's side who spoke to him. Ezio... His questions are valid. His concern is understandable. Ace regards him for a long moment, then nods. I promise you, they will be safe. Much safer than they would be where they are now, I'm sure." His voice is calm, non-threatening, and honest. Despite Leera's current and potential hatred for him at this moment, Ace feels no reason to lie nor did he want to hurt her and her children. Even if they were Ty's, Ace would not harm the children because of who their father was. He felt that given Tyranis' past with his first litter...this was the better option for them.

He was able to focus a little more now. And in that brief period of respite, he hears the banter of others nearby. So, Shaye and Rhyme were doing what he suspected. Part of him felt disgusted by it, but it didn't last long before the mocking tones started to make his fur prick. Of course. He didn't know what Abaven's reputation was like before he joined, but he sure as fuck wasn't going to back down. He was no coward. Yes, Shaye was his alpha but...Acere was his own wolf. He would do what he thought was necessary, and he would face the consequences later. He at least didn't have to worry about getting kicked from her den...and as for the pack? He'd take his chances. He ignored the rest of the banter, mostly because he wasn't one to be petty or childish in that regard. He had better things to focus on, and that would soon come in the form of a bloody Tyranis. While the first fight was already underway, Acere raised his head and tail as he stared down at his nephew, exuding dominance and fearlessness. He had already dealt with this shit in his birth pack...he had no problem dealing with it again.

As Tyranis mocks the woman who was smart enough to do what she did, Ace's lips curl. As the boy continues to spit lies, he growls. Before he responds, however, he hears Actaea and Ignis behind him shouting at Tyranis. Ace doesn't give the boy the satisfaction of an answer, because the white knight already knows the truth. Unlike his brother and the bloodied spawn that stands before him, Ace was always one to seek the truth. Instead, he stands calmly, knowing that his lack of reaction to the lies might rankle him. And when Cloudburst came forward, Ace steadily watched him. He feels sorry for the boy because he knows he is unlike both his father and Tyranis. He knows Cloud struggles with a demon in his own mind, but he at least fought it. Ace had only ever seen him become something else during a hunt but had always tried his best to hide it away. The Demons that his ancestors so highly regarded were nothing but bad news. They only knew how to destroy...And they often destroyed the unfortunate souls who let them in without a fight.

Despite Leera's submission, Ace knows the fight might not be over. While Cloud whispered to Tyranis, Acere ensure his defenses were in place just in case he decided to attack him. There was only one thing he cared about right now, and that was to get Leera and her pups, and get the fuck out of there so he didn't have to deal with this shitshow anymore. His next actions, however, would depend on the answer he got. I will be taking my leave with both Leera and her pups. If you have a problem with that, then I will fight for them." He uttered. Walk away...or regret not doing so. He waited for an answer, and hoped that the boy had some sense left in him.
