
Wool Of Bat, And Tongue Of Dog



3 Years
02-21-2019, 05:03 AM
Oh, his fur. Oh, his scent. OH, his touches. She missed them all, she wanted them all! Where has he been until now? Had she found what he was looking for? Was he safe and sound? that did not seem to care for the predatorix was all up in his nose, clashing their chests together in order to inhale THAt scane of him. The scent of brother and home and KLEIN. How she missed this. Both him and Jekyll where dear to her, so, so dear but she was the Oracle to their Empire and therefore Hannibals words were law for her even though there was no Empire to call home for now. Or was it? Have you found what you were looking for? she questioned as she leaned into his touches, mimicking them in any way she could. They are physical beast, affectionate to the family for nothing stood in the way of blood and family. She leaned closer, coral, plush tongue teased his ears affectionatly, one at a time.

Their Empire. Reborn? Oh, praise the glorious Heaven he found it! He was still their King, their ruler and cerulean lenses never saw that as much as now. She saw determination and confidence in his words and she could listen to that sentence again and again. Anything you need, blood. Say it and it shall be done according to your will. her hisses were filled with love and care, a oath she was going to remember and follow. If he will fight, she shall be his sword. If he needed protection, she shall be his shield. Anything or nothing, it will be theirs. The Klein shall rule once again and be reborn like a pheonix, from the ashes of their fallen Empire, in a new land, prosperous, unafraid and strong.

It was his next words that made her take a step back from their affectionate encounter. His seed, their precious Klein seed? Was that the very same one? What whore has made its way in your bed, brother? What snake? she panted, Tell me and I shall have her head. her voice became low and dangerous, toxicity raising as she wated him curiously, enraged.

Heed, and listen closely.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.