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5 Years
07-14-2013, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2013, 09:04 AM by Jaeger.)
unfortunately i don't :c i was on a desktop for a limited time when i finished this, and now i'm confined to a phone again. as long as they look like they could have came from ketildis and geirthor, i think it'll be fine :3

also, i remembered some things to add to the notes and editing the original post would be very difficult on this phone xD

? ketildis has marble blue eyes (like jaeger's right eye) and geirthor has mercury eyes with gold flecks. so don't lean too far away when choosing eye colors. svanerna's eyes are like her father's, if you're adopting her. (which, if you are adopting her, don't be offended if i reject your app - svanerna is an important key to jaeger's history and i will be picky)

? please note that jaeger's reputation with the family is very low. it would benefit you to read his history. now if you're adopting laeric, he should probably be a little crazed on trying to hunt down jaeger to prove he's guilty. "what about kaprasius?" the family does not know he is with jaeger.

? i also forgot to mention that all family will be required to be religious fanatics. they love their religion and will die for it. now, if you want them to stray away from it in time, then by all means: after they're adopted, they're yours. but i'd really like to get at least one festival of the fam together. now you're probably wondering, "well how are they going to all get together if they are hunting for jaeger?" this is just how fanatic they are; they will drop all reputations and feelings in order to properly show the gods' their loyalty and thanks.

i really had thought there was more, but it's slipping my mindat the moment xD

added them to main post
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself