
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



5 Years
Extra small
02-21-2019, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 06:51 PM by Leera.)

Her lithe body trembles with tension, bowed down in submission to the Abaven male. She reminds herself over and over that this is for her children's protection, for their safety, for their survival. What should come of them if she fights? Acere promises her that she will be safe, that her children will be safe, and she looks at him hard in the eye, wondering if this promise is just a bluff or if she can truly trust him -- but can she even trust Tyranis now? On the day of her children's birth he had threatened to kill her... perhaps trusting Acere will be her best choice.

Trusting Acere will be the smartest maneuver.

Ezio nears Leera and Acere, protecting her as she had an inkling he would, and demands the protection of her and her pups. She turns to look at him, the anger in his face, the rawness of his condition: even in this, Ezio is more of a king to her than Tyranis. Leera nods at Ezio -- if it is in her luck they'll cross paths again, either as pack mates or otherwise.

And then, with the stench of blood and gore, he enters. Tyranis. Hackles raise along her spine and bile rises in her throat as she turns her small, pink eyes to behold him... the lightening king. All around, brawls broke out, but she can't focus on anything but his booming voice. Her attention is undercut by Acere's second promise that the kids would be safer away from Erövrare, and at this point, Leera can't help but to agree. She swallows and nods to Acere, moving against the earth to slink around behind him. She can play hostage for a while if it guarantees her children's safety. "Perhaps Acere is right," she murmurs, voice trembling ever so slightly but her eyes are hard and unmoving. She then raises her voice so that all can hear of the High Lord's unfavorable actions. "This man... this 'king' threatened to kill me with his own paws on the day my litter was born. He sat at my side while they suckled and told me he'd tear my heart from my chest if I ever used them against his will. How can I trust him? How can I trust his anger and arrogance will not bring harm upon my children?"

Leera looks upon the unfamiliar faces, but eventually returns to the two males. The more she stares at Tyranis the more he looks likes he's gone off the rails, been driven to madness with all the blood he's taken the time to dress in. He is unpredictable, and unpredictable doesn't bode well with Leera. His behavior doesn't mirror that of a king, not as it once had in their first encounters. But, as Leera knows well, kings always came to their fall. She runs her tongue over her fangs and nods to Acere. "Fight well."

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
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