
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-21-2019, 10:56 PM

She let out that sigh of relief then and there, when he agreed, made no motion to delay here, and was clearly ready to be on their way. She began walking, setting a quick pace from the pack lands, talking quickly as she walked. She told the man about Eulogy being in Erovrare, of Ace claiming a mother with pups, of Rhyme setting his eyes on a young wolf who looked like she had never harmed anyone in her life, and then backing down at her behest. She told him of all the wolves and packs that stood there, and of the fights that had been going on before her departure. Essentially, she shared everything without bias and got him caught up as much as possible.

She fell silent before they returned to the battlefield, and as she entered the scene, assessed what was going on. She saw fights breaking out, she saw her wolves, Rhyme doing not much all, including stopping Ace. Ace, with Leera submissively before him. She arrived in time to hear the tale end of Leera’s speech, about how Ty had threatened her, and that she essentially was happy to be claimed.

She also heard Ty’s speech, about letting her go, and simply wanting his children. Good lord, what a headache inducing moment. “Abaven, Ty” she said, addressing Rhyme, Ace, Ty, and goodlord anymore of her pack that might have been causing a bleeding issue. She was bloody glad to have Odysseus on her side right at that moment, she didn’t turn to look, but she could imagine his towering, glowering form. He was likely turning a scowl into an art form.

“I offer the asylum Leera seems to seek, and right at this moment I will not seek to take your children from you. Forced to step into this as I am, I will need a moment to understand the situation before I can make further judgements. Ty, we will need to speak on the matter of your children…”
She trailed off as she actually looked at him.
What in all that was holy? Okay, so, he might have gone off the rails slightly. Good fucking god, what had Ace gotten her into.
Speaking of Ace
“Acere no longer represents Abaven as its lead warrior, those he has claimed are mine, and I will speak with all affected parties on the matter in private to seek the best solution.”
Diplomacy, putting out fires. De-escalation, those were the words driving her on. As well as peace. She would stand for those she believed needed aid, but she would do it the fucking right way.

“It’s come to my attention, Ty, that you have a wolf that is of kin to me. Her name is Eulogy, and I would consider it an act of peace if you returned her to me..” if that bloodsoaked demon wanted escalation instead of peace, then Ace would get exactly what he wanted, but for the moment, she wanted to calm this fucking shit show down, speak with the affected parties in a more diplomatic setting, and then actually decide what the fuck Abaven needed to do, where it needed to step in, where it needed to placate, and where it needed to kill. Looking at the gathering before her, she kind of felt like the entire world had gone insane.



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