
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



4 Years
02-22-2019, 12:20 AM

He kept his body low, ready to surge forward and attack either of the men that came to step between him and his children, even if they intended to attack him at the same time. Someone called his name and the bloodstained wolf lifted his head at the calming yet commanding tones that passed before him. She descended upon them with the grace and power of a swan, commanding all to look at her and obey.

She said she wouldn’t seek to take his children but that they would need to speak of them. What did she want him to do that he hadn’t already done. Drenched in blood from a predator while nearly half his pack was absent for whatever circus of misery was unfurling on the battlefield.

When she mentioned the girl Eulogy he blinked slowly, needing a moment to put a face to the name. The mousey girl that Hannibal had brought one day. He looked at Shaye, visibly confused. He had offered them the entirety of his packs resources just to know his children wouldn’t be taken from him, and they wanted the girl. “That’s it?” He asked with noticeable disbelief, looking at the two alphas more confused than ever. “You’ll let me keep my boys…my two daughters…if I give her to you?” He was hesitant, it was too easily resolved, what if they chose not to honor the bargain? The woman had only said it would be an act of peace, not assurance that he would keep his children.   A snarl climbed up his lip again that he quickly sneezed away with an aggravated huff “You didn’t need to threaten my pups or my sister. You could have simply come to my borders and I would have given her to you…” He explained. "But I will be glad to be rid of that troublesome witch and all the chaos she brought to my family."

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  