
All in all you're just another brick in the wall



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
02-22-2019, 01:42 AM

He had been spending a lot of time outside of Lirim's borders. So much in fact that he hardly felt like he was a member of the pack anymore. He supposed it didn't matter. Everything had been falling apart since Faite and Rory left. Since his argument with Torin because of that bratty Jewell. Since...everything. He had grown used to hiding his emotions. Becoming a shell of his former self. Showing nothing but anger and acting like he didn't care. He couldn't say he hated it if he was honest with himself. He didn't mind it though...what he didn't like about it, however, was that it seemed to be rubbing off on Kairi. She was the only one he talked to now and again. But lately, even she had been left out of his business. Not that he had any, but he had been secluding himself more and more. Distancing himself by the day because he felt hurt, but he refused to let it show and he refused to let them see it.

He was making his way towards his den, a little tired after traveling around the lands that surrounded Lirim. On his way to the den, however, he noticed Torin sitting alone beneath one of the willows. Zell stopped where he was, blue eyes narrowed on his son as he debated taking off again and just leaving him there without a word. The last time Torin had acknowledged any part of him, was when he used his last name. But Zell didn't quite believe it...he hadn't acknowledged it when Torin spoke the name. Instead, he had gotten up as soon as the meeting was over and went to do his own thing. With a resigned sigh, he decided he should at least go over and say hi to his child alpha. So with stiff leggedness, he skulked over to him. He wasn't aware that someone had just died. "What's eating you?" He questioned roughly, blue gaze not as kind as it should have been.


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