
All in all you're just another brick in the wall



7 Years
Extra large
02-22-2019, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 11:33 PM by Torin.)

Torin wept, silently but deeply. Consumed by his grief and unable to notice his father's approach until he spoke. Slowly Torin lifted his head, staring blankly ahead as he processed the words, feeling the sting of them.

He turned his head, his face stone cold once more even as he was unable to stop the tears rolling down his face. He looked at his father.

And laughed, a harsh, singular laugh. He felt himself fill up with rage, a quiet seething rage that shook his frame and forced a grimace upon his muzzle even as the tears continued.

He wanted nothing more than the comfort of his only remaining parent then. He wanted nothing more than to scream at his father. The resentment and the confusion and the pain all crashed over him as he looked at his father. It would be now that Zell finally reached out to him again wouldn't it? Not when Torin had tried to extend the olive branch earlier, no his father had simply walked away then. Not before the spat at the border, when Torin realized he was being forced to pick two sides of his family when all he wanted was to hold them together.

Not even when he'd stepped in to take on the pack... no, not even before that.

For the last three years all Torin had wanted was acknowledgement from his father, to know he wasn't just a massive fucking disappointment. The illegitimate heir of his mother's pack...

No, now. After burying his niece, one of the few wolves he counted among his family he wasn't sure hated him...

Now he showed his goddamn fucking face. And he didn't even have the courtesy not to be an asshole about it.

"I buried Naeva this morning." He seethed. "Held her cold body when her brothers couldn't take it anymore. I stayed with my sister as she grieved. I looked on the dead corpse of my niece." He was angry and sad and overwhelmed by his tears as he spoke. Pain and anger rolling together as the emotions played across his whole body, turning the naturally stoic wolf into a visual for his turmoil. "She probably died thinking everyone in the pack hated her!" He was overcome with the realization that Naeve hadn't been told she wasn't any lesser for her birth and he wondered if she had died thinking no one would miss her. And he hated his father more for the part he'd played in that.

Torin turned away then, he couldn't look at Zell any longer. "Good enough for you?" His tone was bitter but resigned. He didn't want to be angry anymore, he just wanted to be allowed to be tired and sad... he just wanted to be allowed to grieve, to be safe to do so. But he know that he wouldn't get that from his father... and that hurt all the more.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

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