
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



7 Years
02-22-2019, 06:28 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

I deem you unworthy of the title ‘father.’ Final sentiment was stated with an air of solemnity, fully intending to negatively impact his mental state and force him to realize he did more harm than good. But it was too late for epiphanies and too early for apologies; the time was only suitable for vengeance and truly, what could she use all this talk for? She had nothing to say to him. With profound confidence, the woman would usher forth an invitation for the operation to commence, insisting she take the initiative as if begging for her to taint his sandy coat crimson. Without a moment’s hesitation and without need for convincing, the wraith finalized her defenses, a sly smirk contorting her porcelain features at the mere thought of the battle to come. She waited to long for this. Skull would remain lowered over her breast to limit the possibility of grasping to her neck, eyes narrowing to visible slits while her ears slicked back against the contours of her crown and her jaws unhinged, lips unfurling to reveal gluttonous incisors that urged for use. Chin would tuck against the curvature of her neck to protect her precious mandible, hackles prickling and shoulders rolling forward to further supply the base of her neck with the protection of excess rolls of fur. Limbs would find comfort spaced equidistant apart, each bending slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity while her toes splayed and her nails bit lightly into the earth for traction. Skull would draw closer to her body to scrunch her neck while her tail remained aligned with her spinal column, abdomen tensing slightly in one final attempt to protect herself. Satisfied with her defenses and intent upon maintaining them throughout her attacks, the wench inhaled deeply before proceeding with what could easily be the final battle of her life. Pushing off with her hinds, the autumn Goddess attempted to sprint the short distance between (10 meters) she and her adversary, intending to approach the male from head-on and slightly to the right (Nephthys's POV) so that her left shoulder would be positioned to the inside of his right shoulder. If/When the woman was within striking distance of her opponent, her jutting left shoulder blade would attempt to slam into the bottom portion of the natural groove between Ra’s right shoulder and his chest, intending to dislocate the shoulder and offset his balance with the combined force of her weight and momentum. Simultaneously, unhinged jaws would attempt to snake towards the left (POV) of her opponent’s throat, muzzle hopefully angled in towards the center of his right-sided (Nephthys’s left) neck as gluttonous incisors and molars would attempt to penetrate far beyond the surface of the flesh located there, intending to both draw a significant amount of blood and sever the tendons within his neck with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite. Meanwhile, defenses would remain upheld to the best of her ability in constant preparation for his retaliation.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 1/3
Height 36"
Build Light

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together