she wanted to nip his ear with the tone he took up. To remind him that while she may be a slave that she was still his elder and that he should have respect for at least that. She didn't dignify it with an answer though. Hannibal had taught them supremest beliefs and nephthys had taught them her tongue. Such made them dreadful. Seriously the pup needed his ear cuffed or something like that. He was completely disrespectful. She would expect this though with the way hannibal was always acting and that this was the first time they were alone with her.
"Its Eulogy, and as for a destination I haven't thought of one. But sometimes the journey is more important than the destination." sh was neutral with her tone. He was just a product of what he saw in his parents. Though she completely doubted that they'd ever teach him respect for others. She started out the den, either he'd follow or stay behind. No one would ever teach him what Eulogy hoped he'd learn by the end of today. She worked hard and none of them realized it.