
One and the Same



2 Years
02-22-2019, 11:00 PM
OOC: Takes place before challenge~

Cold from the snow bit at the canine's burnt flesh. It had been about a month and though she had gotten some help, it was obvious that she would have permanent scarring from the damage the fire had done to her. She prayed she would see some of her family again as she had lost her brother's, whom of which she was very close with, but she stayed hidden inside a hole within a tree trunk to try and keep herself as warm as possible. Even though she was a bit older than a year, she was not used to being a wanderer and a loner. She curled her form into a ball as she watched the outside world. She hoped to the high heavens that she didn't have to deal with anyone who wanted confrontation, but she wasn't about to die, not when she had so much life left within her despite half of her face being gone.

To add insult to injury she could hear the sound of crows and other birds of prey, their rambunctious calls almost seeming to mock her. She scoffed and gave a low growl within the makeshift den, even though she knew that wouldn't scare any of them off or help her situation. She just knew that if someone were to make fun of the way she looked or tried to scheme against her, they had another thing coming. She wasn't afraid of death, but, she promised to herself that she would live for the legacy of her family name, and also hope that she might be reunited with her siblings at some point too...if they made it out of that forest fire alive.