
Remember Everything



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
02-23-2019, 01:24 AM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2019, 03:02 AM by Zell.)

Snow fell on the ground, practically silencing the world around him. He had visited the girls grave in the middle of the night when no one else was awake. While he didn't know her very well if at all, he paid his respects anyway. He stood by her grave, gazing down with sorrow in his eyes. When he had learned of her passing from Torin, part of him felt saddened by the news. But he hadn't allowed it to show that day. As he stood there, he thought about how it could have been one of his kids buried there beneath the frozen ground. He frowned as he thought about that possibility. He was old now, eight years old and full of resentment and anger. A few years ago he had met Faite, and the same day he had met her, she had become pregnant.

The day their children were born had been the happiest day of his life. He had a family again. Even when the relationship between him and Faite had been an odd one, he had grown to care for her and loved her. When she had left the first time, he thought she was gone for good and he felt confused. He was hopeful when she had returned but after that? She left again. Only this time Rory had left, too. And when he realized that Faite wasn't ever coming back, his heart started to hurt like hell. He thought losing his family had hurt. They had died tragically on their journey to Boreas, but over time, he had accepted it. For some reason though, he was having a real hard time getting over the pain he felt in his heart. He wasn't sure how to move on after Faite. He felt like it would be a betrayal to his family. To his kids...if he decided to try again with someone else. But then he remembered that he was old. And that perhaps it was too late. He had wasted his time sulking and being angry and holding onto something that would never be.

And he knew that those were the reasons why he had unintentionally distanced himself from his children. He hardly had a relationship with Breasal, since the boy had always been scarce, and never being around. Rory had to take the role of alpha early on in his life, his duties to the pack taking up all of his time.  Jaidah, his wayward daughter that he hardly knew as well. Kairi had always tried to spend time with him, the only bright star in the darkness of his world. But even now, they were growing distant from each other. And Torin...resentment had begun to breed between them. And he feared that their relationship would never mend.

He turned away from the grave, the snow muffling his steps as he walked away. He felt empty. Sad. Melancholic. His heart hurt. His mind felt numb. And yet, he would press on in a world that constantly made him feel like he was alone.


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