
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



5 Years
02-23-2019, 01:32 AM
The way the male acted was definitely off-putting to the older female. One would definitely say that this young one had been through a lot in his life, and being so young...Her heart actually hurt for the yearling, noticing the way he seemed to be scared of her and asking her to not hurt him. Sympathy rang within the female's emotions as she tried to show that she wouldn't hurt him. She lied down on her stomach, her icy eyes showing kindness and gentleness. Where was his mother? Surely still being a year old he should have one around? At least, that was what the dame thought. She stayed a little distance away from the stranger as to not make them think she was hostile, giving him some personal space would be the better option in this encounter. Her bushy tail curled around her haunches as her smile never left her, hoping that her gentle nature would encourage him to at least calm down even the slightest bit.

"Why scared? I friend, do not wish to hurt stranger. You need calm down, I get food if you're hungry?" She asked, tilting her crown once more as she waited for an answer from him. But, the femme could immediately tell that this was going to be a tough case due to how anxious he was being. Perhaps offering a name might help the situation a little? "I Orabelle, may i ask name?" She asked, her eyes still focusing on him. All she wanted was to help him, but if he thought otherwise she might be in a bad predicament, but, she would never turn down someone who might possibly need some consoling or a possible ally right now.