
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



1 Year
02-23-2019, 01:57 AM
The gentleness in both the female’s eyes and stature disturbed Taktuq. Outsiders were meant to be mindless, vicious beasts that served no purpose other than to show that the All-Mother’s love did not reach all wolves. So why was this one so presenting herself to him so benign? Was this a trick? A trap? Taktuq wished he could beg for guidance, what was the right way? What was he supposed to do?

The wolf smiled at him, a smile so tender and gentle that he felt sick. She must be tricking him into letting his guard down. He would be punished for speaking to this wolf. Taktuq’s tail started thumping against the ground on its own accord. Who would punish him? Her voice called to him again, and while his brain pulsed painfully as his heart began to slow down, he managed to hear her words. ”Food?” He blurted the word out before he could stop himself. A loud rumble in his belly punctuated the word with a hungry note of finality. Taktuq shrunk back into himself shamefully.

”I Orabelle, may i ask name?"

This wolf spoke so strangely. The young male couldn’t help but be equally fascinated and horrified by her voice, and more intensely, her name. What did it mean? How did she earn her name? Taktuq swallowed hard and blinked away fresh tears. The poor adolescent’s body shivered fearfully, both mentally and physically overstimulated by the day’s events. She wanted his name. Orabelle wanted his name. Taktuq’s head began nodding uncontrollably and his skin flared with embarrassment and shame. “Taktuq!” He cried out, desperately trying to distract his brain in hopes his tremors would subside. His skull slowly stopped bobbing and he was able to focus on Orabelle once more. “I am Taktuq.”He reiterated quietly, his lips burning at the words.