
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



1 Year
02-23-2019, 02:34 AM
Orabelle stood and Taktuq could not contain the yelp that passed his lips at the motion. He pressed himself even harder to the ground, making himself as flat as possible. “Please don’t.” He cried out softly, expecting the large female to charge him. But much to his surprise she walked in the opposite direction. He trembled against the ground as he watched Orabelle survey the area. Was she looking for her pack? The others that were surely waiting for her cue to reign upon him and tear him to pieces. Outsiders are tricksters. They envy our divinity, they will attack. Never trust. Nini’s voice chastised.

But still...Taktuq watched both curiously and suspiciously as Orabelle took several steps further away. Come with her? What a silly notion! Taktuq was smart enough to not walk so blindly to his certain demise! He may be inexperienced, but he was not stupid! The male remained firmly rooted to spot and promptly slid his head along the ground to look away from her. He would not fall for her tricks. Taktuq would show her that he was not so easily fooled. However, his belly cried out to the mature wolf loud enough that another painfully hot wave of embarrassment sizzled through his fur.

Taktuq’s face pulled into an involuntary snarl but he quickly scraped it away with a few painful swipes from his claws. He raised his eyes to meet Orabelle’s, and then looked behind him into the forest. He could run. Taktuq was weak, but perhaps he could outrun her? His body tensed and he nervously inched backwards. Another painful cry came from his paunch. Taktuq took in a trembling breath and eyed Orabelle wearily.How long had it been since he had eaten? Days? Weeks? After another minute of hesitation, so very slowly, the young male dragged himself along the ground towards the large wolf. He kept his distance and flinched with every movement she made. He was ready to bolt at any second. Taktuq’s eyes gleamed fearfully and his tail curled tightly between his legs. Despite all instincts telling him otherwise, the male carefully crept after Orabelle.