
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



1 Year
02-23-2019, 03:06 AM
Taktuq was very quiet aside from the whimpers what would force their way out of his nose when his chest spasmed. With every reassuring glance Orabelle cast over her shoulder, he responded by wrenching back and trotting several yards away. He would stand alert, wincing each time her paw would touch the ground. His mother bellowed in his brain for him to run. That she was disgusted with his behavior. Taktuq wanted to listen but his hunger made him delirious. He had not learned to be a proper wolf. I’ll watch how she does it and I’ll leave. Taktuq firmly told himself. Surely he could use the experience of watching a more mature wolf hunt to aid him in the future.

The young male followed from a rather far distance and warily watched his surroundings, looking for other wolves. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. Nini’s voice was almost mocking as she chanted in his mind. Taktuq did his best to ignore this as he watched Orabelle approach the body of water. What was she doing? He took a few curious steps toward her, trying his best to peer into the water. Orabelle’s jaws lunged into the water and Taktuq bolted. He ran almost into the tree line before he whipped around to see if she had given chase. But she hadn’t. Why?

Painstakingly slow, Taktuq crept back to her, leaning back and lowering his head as he neared. He was entranced by the silver body lying limp in the grass. Saliva immediately pooled between his fangs and dribbled from his maw. Orabelle’s foreign accent covered her words as she spoke, but Taktuq did not listen. He yanked the fish away by the tail and tore into its soft meat. Any other day Taktuq would’ve wrinkled his nose at the taste, but on this day it was the greatest thing that had ever touched his tongue. Ignoring her warning, the male wolf gobbled everything edible off the carcass in record time. Who knew when he would get a chance to eat again?

As experience would have it, Orabelle was correct. Almost immediately after finishing off the fish Taktuq’s belly groaned at the sudden intrusion. He ignored the feeling, thankful that there was something to fuel him for a few more days. Taktuq did not think to share with the mature female and an apology of his gluttony did not cross his mind. However, after taking several steps back away from both the fish and Orabelle, the ratty furred male said softly, “Thank you.” He licked a piece of flesh from his muzzle and sniffed the air worriedly. ”Why would you help me?” he blurted out.