
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



5 Years
02-23-2019, 03:20 AM
Watching him bolt off was certainly a sight to see for the older woman, but she would watch as he came back and ate the meal in quite amazing speed. The poor thing, she felt horrible for him. Sympathy continued to stay inside her heart and mind. Did he even have a family at all that was looking for him was her main question, but, she would refrain from asking something personal when he was already frightened enough. His manners were at least in tact as he thanked her and she smiled and nodded her head. However, his question to her at least made the dame feel hopeful that he wouldn't run away from every wolf he met. He needed the help, that was certainly something that the dame could see from a mile away. He needed a proper bath and to get some more food in his system before he could even think of traveling once again. But, she enjoyed helping those in need, it made her think back to when she was taking care of others in her old home, so this was something she always felt comfortable and relaxed doing. And, it made her feel reassured that her words or actions would help someone in the long run.

"Because I knew you need it. It make me happy helping others, like you," she stated, her tail swaying freely to show that her words spoke truth within them. "And, could tell you need friend, or someone to talk to and help you," she tilted her head, hoping that her words at least showed that she wasn't as vicious as he may think. "If yearling have question, ask," She closed her eyes, her smile widening a little more, "I answer always."