
Here be dragons


02-23-2019, 04:36 PM

Al dipped his head, a friendly smile on his muzzle as greetings were exchanged. Little Flash leaned forward through the fur between his ears, reaching as far as he could without toppling as he tried to get the best vantage point to see this strange, red toned male.

“Fair enough” the young tinkerer agreed, as the Alpha mentioned a crafter being more useful to him then a healer. “Flash has a hand in all things I craft, I can make oddities with clay, clay jars for a healers stash, bowls to carry water more easily” as he spoke, Flash trailed down his back and leapt the short distance between the wolf and the pony, and began to dig around in the saddlebags with assured ease, half hopping inside as he did so. He appeared a moment later, his head holding up the fold over lid, and a small clay item in his hands. He shook it at Iggy, before burrowing back inside and appearing with a thin, flat material. “I can craft Vellum, and indeed have many maps of the lands i’ve explored, etched carefully in the material” the monkey waved the vellum, with coloured lines carefully drawn across its surface. “I make the ink with berries” [/color] he would go on to explain. “I’ve dabbled in many different crafts, and try to match the need to my abilities, if you let me know what sort of items the pack has need of”
