
Wherever the Wind Blows



9 Years
02-23-2019, 06:29 PM

She was getting weaker and weaker each day and her attitude had plummeted since her visit with Ty. Despite Cloud's best efforts when she was alone she began to blame herself for how Ty turned out, that he turned away from her side of the family and favored his father. She was desperate to get where she needed to go before passing, to be with a small part of her family that could at least let her children know when death does take her. With the stress and the cancer spreading it was beginning to make her mind weak and despite her companions best efforts getting her all turned around and going completely the wrong direction from Lirim. She knew her time was coming to an end and she was growing desperate.

This place had been where everything started and today it was where she had been able to find shelter to stay out of the mild winter snow storm. It was a shallow cave with a medium sized entryway, tucked away in an odd cluster of stones. There the emaciated little women was curled in a tight ball, as tight as she could possibly go. The weaker she grew the harder it was to stay warm, even with her winter coat. Her wolverine companion was curled against the front of her putting himself between her and the entrance of the cave, blocking out the cold air and keeping his own thick coat against her to help keep her warm.

She was resting, today especially she was feeling very fatigued and right now her companion didn't feel right leaving her to go get something to eat. She needed to eat, they figured out a bit of a trick that at least helped her to keep some food within her body. Several very small, already chewed up meals that would be similar to regurgitated meat fed to young pups. These smaller bits were more likely to slip past the cancer within her stomach.

When the snow would let up maybe the Wolverine would hunt, but for now he was keeping his companion warm.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times