
Tic Tock [ All Welcome ]



1 Year
02-23-2019, 08:22 PM
The male couldn’t not help but bristle at Orabelle’s mention of his mother. The fur along his spine stood on end defensively. No, Nini was not a kind wolf. She was a horrible mother but a mother nonetheless and he would continue to defend her and her actions regardless of how deeply they hurt him. ”I was not worthy.” Taktuq said gently, twitching his nose.

When Orabelle pulled away from him the young wolf pulled back even further. Taktuq’s eyelids drooped, the adrenaline had finally left his system and left him exhausted. Today’s events were overwhelming and all he wanted to do was curl into nonexistence. He did not react to the female’s offer to look after him. His heart lurched, but the fear of losing what little he’s gained thus far was enough to keep his gaze on the muddy grime between his toes.

”I don’t…” Taktuq lifted tear stained eyes to look at Orabelle. ”I want…” He didn’t know what to say. He wanted the companionship. He didn’t want to be alone. The inability to say what he badly wanted to caused his belly to start convulsing and he began to buck his back. Taktuq lurched away from Orabelle, ashamed of his episode. He couldn’t look at her. He shuddered and jerked about, whimpering as he did so, dragging himself several feet away. Taktuq kept his back to her, squeezing his eyes shut. The more nervous and flustered he got, the worse his spasms in wracked his frail body. After a moment the male slowly turned back to Orabelle, keeping low to the ground. Submissive. Wanting. He pressed his head into the ground and slowly looked up at her. ”Please. I don’t want to be alone.” He whispered.