
Colour Me Surprised



02-24-2019, 06:35 AM

The sun was his marker of time. They had no means to measure the day other than by its rhythmic rise and fall. In this world without clocks, without electronics, without money, it is all they have to show the passing of the day. The sun right above like now signified noon, the other markers were dawn and sunset. The small Lord also keow, of course, that those times move with the seasons, but they are the only practical way by which to organize ourselves or so Mother used to tell him. He kept his dual gaze upon the mighty sun as much as he could before the world around him started to slowly blur. Its rays, like fingers stretching across the sky, bring with it a new future. Gradually, the sun filled the sky with its brilliance and a warm glow to which he hoped that showed Spring was not that far around the corner.

Of course, he knew her name. Pfft. What a foolish girl she was. But why should he address herself by her given name if she was lesser than him? Lesser than a pup. Ha. How can the journey be more important, slave? he questioned in his high pitched tone, accentuating the last word in pure rebellion, meant to further anger the girl. His tiny teacup paws followed behind her, unsure if he was supposed to follow her since his parents were away. She took care of them while Mother and Father were away however the small Lord could not help but sense a small frightful shiver running down his spine from being alone with her for the very first time. Are you taking me to see Papa? his gazed locked on her, leaning his petite regalia backwards in order to view her at her full, towering height which only resulted in the small rebel to trip upon his excessivly long tail yet one again. Unf! His snout hit the ground faster than one could say 'fish' however he got back on his paws just as quickly, scanning his surroundings to make sure no one saw that.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.