
Crowd Control!



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-24-2019, 09:03 AM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

"It'll be over my corpse that any of those mongrels swallow even a mouthful of our prize."

Éldi nodded his head. "Agreed, we worked too hard just to feed some flea bitten coyotes." Not to mention they'd be in a real spot. Prey was only growing more and more difficult to find. They could not afford to lose any of their meal to the coyotes. He growled in frustration. Why couldn't the mangy creatures just wait til the wolves were finished and pick the bones clean? He'd be fine with that.

"What'dya say we knock them down a few pegs?"

"Sounds like fun," he smirked.

The coyotes soon began to appear, their beady eyes focused on the wolves' prize. Éldi growled and quickly locked down his defenses. His hackles and fur stood as on end as they possibly could and he lifted his head and his tail as he peered over the elk, hoping his size would up the intimidation factor. The trio weren't just wolves, they were huge wolves that would make quick work of the coyotes if they attacked. He growled again but the coyotes did not back off. He wonder if it was do or die for them. The scavengers approached with tails up, hackles raised and the center of their weight forward. They were clearly intent on taking the kill.

Askr took to the sky to scout and also to prepare for conflict. Valkyrie leapt forward in a show of force and Éldi was swift to join her. A pair of coyotes tried to circle around to Éldi's left side and he bounded forward, his tail held high as he snapped at the coyotes. Askr then dived and seized one of the coyotes ears in its talons. It lurched back with a squeaking cry and the pair stumbled back, suddenly unsure.

Éldi laughed but while he was focused on the assault at the front he failed to see a lone male coyote sneak around behind him. The coyote lunged and seized hold of Éldi's back, just in front of his hips. It's fangs bit deep as it's forelegs wrapped in front of his hind legs. Éldi yowled in pain and twisted around to try and bite the coyote. The two tussled until finally Éldi hurled himself onto his side with enough force to stun the coyote. He kicked back violently and pulled himself forward until he was free of the little beast.

Fury coursed through his veins and he disregarded any plan to try and put forth a show of force. He was going to kill that fucking coyote. With a snarl Éldi dove forward just as the coyote got back to its feet. He collided into the coyote with such force that it knocked the creature over onto its back. From there it was easy enough for him to pin the creature as his fangs seized hold of its throat. Éldi didn't hesitate. He ended his enemy.

Word Count: 491
Total: 1583