


02-24-2019, 09:49 AM

He'd never went far from his servant. It was all just a game in his head, how his blinded faithful would deal being alone for the first time since he'd freed him from his father. He'd sent the vile villan away with one less eye and a curse upon him, that may whatever womb he try to infect become shriveled and that all his food turn to sand in his mouth. The god really was creative when it came to these curses. He chuckled to himself as he watched with his blackened eyes. He hadn't caught the red paws upon the ground, or else this game would have ended long ago. His own paws were sore and missing the soft sands of home. The calls for him had become more and more desperate. such an interesting creature Morcanthius was. so dependant on his god, so scared of the world without him. How would he react if Rameses never returned to his side? He sat and watched from dunes away.

His nape fur erected immediately as Mory walked for the ledge of one dune. He gave a growl, likely to be caught on the winds. His servant was going to die if not warned or made aware somehow. Then came the howl. Mory must be inwardly freaking if he was resorting to such a thing. He'd only been this far from him for nearly a day now. Seemed it was time then. He stood, his form moving with grace to his servant's side. He comes to a stop with his right leg over his servant and his head turned to be at Mory's. His whispers come forth, into Mory's crown. Be silenced now, Morcanthius. You are safe in my presence once more. His accent is deep, voice thick. His eyes ore upon Mory's bodice. They stop at his paws, watching as crimson liquid drips from them. Displeasure colors his features. He lays with his right limb trapping Mory where he lays. We rest here until your life returns to your body. I'll not have you become lame from stupidity.

He leans in and laps blood from one of Mory's paws, cleansing it as he does. Their mission will have to wait. He awaits the fall of the sun. His crown lifts and he turns his gems to the west. Desert sands stretch as far as the eye can see with a mountain of rock in the far distance. They shall need an oasis there but he would rather remain in familiar lands where Mory is comfortable. He would need to search alone and stash Mory away in safety, where his mortal life will not be endangered.