
Game plan



3 Years
Extra large
02-24-2019, 11:23 AM

Winter had hit hard and fast in the north, and while conditions had certainly become more difficult, the shewolf was surprised to find herself happy regardless. Their pack was small, sure, but peaceful. Whatever meddling the wolves in the south might get mucked up in, so far she had been able to go about her business as she pleased. It was the first time in her life that things felt... stable. She almost dreaded to even think the word lest she jinx herself, but she had definitely built herself a routine.

Iggy's call for a meeting absolutely broke that routine. She didn't know why she was surprised, there was no reason to be, but it still took her a long moment to react. Right! She was probably expected at this thing, huh? She turned and began moseying her way towards where she was pretty sure her brother would be waiting. She skirted in, nodding to the wolves already gathered there, and some she had not spoken to before but knew from the scents around they area that they must have been new arrivals. She mentally added 'Force self to make small talk' to her To-Do list, then settled nearest to Ignatius and Souzan.

She sent both her brothers a wide grin, and winked at Iggy. Seph hoped he didn't really think she would be a no-show. Late? Always a possibility, but he'd had years to get used to that! She was left to wonder what he would have to say, and for decided to keep her comments to herself. The sooner he got on with it, the sooner she could get back to sniffing out her lunch.

"Talk" "You" Think