
Hay There



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
02-24-2019, 12:20 PM

Despite her initial wariness about traveling so far to stay in Chaos's pack, things were honestly looking up. Valdis's surprising admission to her had definitely put things into a different perspective for her and she found herself grateful to be here rather than moping over it. Though it was much warmer than she was used to, moving here in the winter had provided some familiarity for her and helped the whole.. settling-in process considerably. Her mood had been generally brighter as of late, and it didn't falter even when she heard a call signalling for the pack's healers to gather. She slid from Valdis's side, escaping the den they now shared and heading into the drizzly day to meet the rest of the group. Perhaps she hesitated for a moment too long, but the embrace of her.. girlfriend? Lover? She wasn't quite sure what to call her, but either way it was tough to untangle herself from her side and she let out a quiet sigh as she belatedly headed toward the gathering.

Luckily, Chaos had called them to meet under the shelter of one of the wooden structures in their territory, which was a welcome reprieve from the bleak, rainy atmosphere. Apparently she'd delayed long enough that she was the last to arrive, which hadn't exactly been intentional. Whoops. She cast a look around the room as she sauntered inside, noting only one wasn't very familiar to her, an older woman. She offered the group a slight nod as she settled near them, though her attention was mostly focused on Chaos now.