
And my heart became swiss cheese

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-24-2019, 05:36 PM

Her heart was heavy with ache, ashamed at the way her members had acted, at what they had forced her to stick her nose into. She would have a lot of unravelling to do to figure out where she needed to go from here. She didn’t want an alliance with Tyranis, she had heard many a fowl news about him, but for the moment, she would tread carefully before continuing.

It hurt her that she had been forced to strip Acere of his rank in the moment, she valued him as a lead warrior, but she could not stand there and let him shame her, and hers. She knew he had a vendetta in regards to Tyranis, but it was almost funny that he had told her how he did not want to get her pack into the middle of it, had refused her help, and then abused his rank to do exactly that.

Conflicted, and confused, the Alpha knew she would have to find him, despite what he had done, she held too much respect for the man to simply let this wound fester. She followed him as best as she was able, once she was free from her obligations.

“Ace?” she called, searching for the white man “Ace?” likely he would ignore her, so she stuck her nose to the ground and continued to follow his trail until she could find him. When she did catch a hint of his white fur, she paused. “Ace” there was pain in her voice, a hint of misery, though she tried to bury it. Man, she had so much respect for him, that it could almost confuse her certainty in what she had done, but she was Alpha, so she buried it.

“You knew I wanted to help you when it came to Tyranis, but what you did.. Do you see how easily that could have started a war, right then and there? With only a few of my noncombatant wolves and yourself to answer it? I needed to calm things down, and move them on. For the sake of all my wolves. I would gladly help you, I would take my strongest wolves and match them to whatever force you brought to bear, but I would not have innocents caught up in the tangle, on my side or another. The reputation i’ve been building for Abaven, of a place where wolves can find sanctuary and peace.. So many wolves would have carried away the tale of how my strongest warriors fought the weakest of a pack that was already being shamed. Who would have come to my borders in there time of need, then, Ace? Who?” her voice trailed off, she could feel too much emotion bleeding into her words. He had always brought out a passionate side of her, and she couldn’t let that rule, not now. “Help me understand, why you abused the rank I gave you, the home I gave you, when despite my best protests, you told me you did not want to endanger Abaven? Instead of working with me in a coordinated effort, you shunned my offer to help, and then you acted on impulse, and put everything of mine on the line.”
She fell silent, sitting on her haunches, going no further to find him. She had said her piece, and now it was his turn. She had no doubt he would have a lot to say.



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