
And my heart became swiss cheese

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-24-2019, 06:54 PM

His rage was a fire, and it burned all it touched. The effort it took not to recoil as he turned it upon her was immense. In truth, she wasn’t entirely certain how she stood her ground, but she found a way. She looked a the angry warrior, as he ripped into her verbally, berating everything she had done, everything she was, and everything she had grown and protected. Was that truly what he thought of her and Abaven? It made her wonder why he had ever chosen to stay.

“You made it my business” she said, her voice much softer now, almost a whisper after the strength of his rage. He was the embodiment of Abaven, that's what she had made him when she had confidently given him his lofty rank. She had trusted that he could keep his vendetta and his loyalty to Abaven separate. He had shown her to be a fool. She had known that so many of the wolves of Abaven where injured, in their hearts more than their bodies. She had forgotten that Ace was one of them.
“Think what you like of my life, I would give it glady for any in my pack, even you Ace. the only reputation I care about it Abaven’s, not my own.” So that had circled around had it? She felt a pang of hurt for Rhyme, who she had unknowingly left to face that alone.
“I wasn’t hiding it, I just wasn’t shouting it out to the world, either. You want the full, transparent truth? Rhyme and I got very, very drunk, and acted as we never would have otherwise. Now I have children in my care, and I will not let the way they were conceived define them.”
She had the responsibility of children, without a mate to lean on. She had children, and still didn’t know love, not truly.

“It might be a rocky path, but I will find the balance between protecting the wolves of Abaven, and teaching them to stand on their own. I still think that what you did was wrong, stepping into the middle of what had already become a shit storm.”
She swallowed hard, she needed to leave. If she stayed here any longer, she would bawl her eyes out. She was already crying on the inside, her heart riddled with hurt and lose.
“I will always stand up for those I believe in, and I still believe in you, Acere, even if you no longer believe in me.”
The words held the pain that she was struggling to hide, and she knew she was reaching the end of her rope.
She turned to leave.



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